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"I am a story teller at heart.  It says so in my artist’s statement.  I find comfort writing dialogue.  Playwriting seemed a good fit.  I was not “schooled” in the theatre arts and would not assume to comment on the intellectual/academic aspects of various plays, whether classics or current works.  But I do know a good story.  I saw one presented last night by Next Iteration Theater.  Deb Margolin weaves three remarkable tales in Turquoise.  Dianne K. Webb deftly directs these stories with a tender touch.  You won’t see this play at the Alley or Main Street or Stageworks.  You’re not meant to.  If you proclaim yourself a patron of the arts, please see this production and support Next Iteration.  Good stories need to be told." —Gwen Flager, playwright


by Deb Margolin

A workshop performance
directed by dianne k. webb


Jennifer Doctorovich

Jason Duga 

Seán Patrick Judge

Wesley Whitson

Rhett Martinez

Jonathan Palmer

Liz Rachelle

Wesley Whitson as Lorne

Wesley Whitson as Lorne

Huddled Masses

Huddled Masses

Rhapsody in Blue with Liz and Wes

Rhapsody in Blue with Liz and Wes

The Guy with Nothing

The Guy with Nothing

Lenny & Ran

Lenny & Ran

Morris and Esther

Morris and Esther

"...I insist only that it be relevant, in a strange way, to the scene that has chosen to spread itself out before us, the theatre of our lives." —Barthelme



Next Iteration Ensemble

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"There is a hunger to see the human presence acted out. As long as that need remains, people will find a way to do theater."—ZELDA Fichandler 

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